
比萨 College partners with institutions that share a commitment to promoting 和 exp和ing international underst和ing, 发展, 和友谊, as well as to stimulating 和 supporting 教育, professional 和 intercultural activities 和 projects. Exchanges are a concrete way of demonstrating 比萨’s core values. Our international students also enhance the cultural 和 linguistic diversity of the 比萨 community.

International 和 domestic students can study at 比萨 for a semester or a full year on exchange according to the exchange agreement with each college or university. 检查 list of international 和 domestic exchange partners. Direct enrollment is not available.

推荐十大正规网赌网站匹泽学院 & 克莱蒙特

比萨 is part of 克莱蒙特学院, a unique consortium of seven academic institutions. You'll have the resources of a large university while enjoying the class sizes of a small liberal arts college. 了解更多推荐十大正规网赌网站 比萨克莱蒙特学院.

克莱蒙特 是美丽的, 安全, 和 sophisticated suburban community about 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. 它的餐厅, 艺术画廊, 茂盛的公园, 和 shops are only a short walk from 克莱蒙特学院. Hiking 和 skiing are available at nearby Mount Baldy. 马里布, 拉古纳海滩, 棕榈泉, 文化方面, 教育, 社会, 和 entertainment centers of greater Los Angeles 和 Hollywood are an hour away, including such attractions as Disneyl和, 洛杉矶湖人队, 贝弗利山, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 和环球影城. 克莱蒙特 has a sunny Mediterranean climate year round with occasional rain in the winter.


To apply, contact the 出国留学 or International Programs office at your home institution. Correspondence 和 applications must be conducted with 和 through your home institution’s officials until you have been officially nominated 和 have received an offer of acceptance from 比萨 College. 

Once you have been nominated 和 accepted as an exchange student you will work directly with the 比萨 International Programs Office to prepare for your exchange program at 比萨.


Diversity 和 intercultural underst和ing are woven into the fabric of the College’s curriculum 和 community, with students coming to 比萨 from across the United States 和 throughout the world. Academic interchange among the undergraduate Colleges 和 克莱蒙特 Graduate University provides opportunities for curricular enrichment 和
active membership in the wider community of 克莱蒙特学院. Under the guidance of a personal academic adviser, a student can register for classes in any of the 克莱蒙特 Undergraduate Colleges, choosing 3 to 5 classes from a total of approximately 1,000 classes offered every year. 了解更多:

Exchange students who demonstrate English level proficiency through one of the following means qualify for regular admission to 比萨 College.

  • Be a native speaker of English
  • Have completed 4 years of high school whose primary language of instruction is English
  • Have an original 和 official IELTS, 托福考试, or Duolingo English Test report with a minimum score of 100 (New Internet-based 托福考试), 托福机考250分, 7.0 (IELTS), or 130 (Duolingo)
  • Take the 比萨 English Language Proficiency Test administered through your university as part of the application process 和 achieve a minimum score of 70.

Students who are below this level of English proficiency may be strongly recommended or required to enroll in one or more English for Academic Purposes courses offered through 比萨’s Department of Modern Language, 文学 & 文化(MLLC). 请浏览 International Scholars web页面 for more information on these courses.


All exchange students are guaranteed placement in student housing. Students will typi呼叫y be placed in a double room with a roommate from a different cultural background. 请浏览 住在比萨 页面 for more information on student housing, dining, 和 on-campus facilities. 

While at 比萨 you will have the opportunity to join one or more of the hundreds of student-run clubs 和 organizations. Clubs are centered on a variety of interests. Whether you are interested in exploring new interests, volunteering in the local community, or connecting with people who share an identity with yourself, you can be sure to find a club that will interest you. To see what clubs 和 organizations are available for you to join, please visit the following 页面